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My Mood at the Moment: The current mood of gracegoddess77@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010 - 2:35 a.m.

GODAMMIT where does the time go? It can't be... it just CAN'T be!

I have had so many ex boyfriends and some girlfriends frack with me in so many ways illegally... it is TIME TO GET BACK. Metaphorically, I�ve been bent over, gotten f#*cked up the A$$ with no kiss, hello, goodbye, or lube� on so many different fronts. This time, however the ones who HAVE fracked with me are going to regret it�deeply. Why? Because what they�ve done is either/and/or a federal offense, or criminal offense. THIS WILL STOP. NOW. HERE. I finally have a man who is a genius� who can AND will stand behind me and be with me every step of the way in taking serious legal matters into my own hands. I will make sure justice is done this time�no matter what I have to do. I can NOT for the life of me understand why nut bags from my past can�t just LEAVE ME ALONE or at least treat me fairly and like a human being. Is that so fraking much to ask??!!

::Last Five Notions::
- - Friday, May. 29, 2020
Happy but Bored - Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2011
Stepdaughter1 - Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2011
frack - Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010
t-day2b - Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010

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