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My Mood at the Moment: The current mood of gracegoddess77@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

Friday, Apr. 18, 2003 - 11:52 a.m.


I GOT MY LOAN!!! Yay! I got the full amount of aid I applied for at school. I am so happy because now, when I move to Asheville I will not have to work until I graduate. I still have to work this summer to save up some money, but that is just fine. Any job will do as long as it puts food on my table.

I'm still upset to have to move twice in two weeks but I guess the sooner I move my things to my parent's house the better. They've been kind enough to let me store everything in their basement until I get a more stable place to live. God knows when that will be. I don't even know where I'll be in a year from now but it is at least exciting.

It is painful to separate from someone you love so much, who has been such a big part of your life. I hate it. But at least I have something to look forward to which does NOT involve a man. As Martha Stuart says..."and that's a good thing"...

::Last Five Notions::
Happy but Bored - Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2011
Stepdaughter1 - Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2011
frack - Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010
t-day2b - Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010
fraking fraked up - Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010

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