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My Mood at the Moment: The current mood of gracegoddess77@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

Monday, Sept. 17, 2007 - 10:26 p.m.

I don't know why exactly, but I feel sort of sad. I think it is a culmination of lots of different small things that have happened to me over the past week. Business is good, things seem to be looking up a bit for the most part on that horizon, but there are some things that have gotten me down.

An MT friend of mine said and did a few seemingly insignificant things that were either disrespectful or condescending last week, and that was the beginning. Then, I had some pretty damn rough dreams about my boyfriend "turning into" my ex husband which SUCKED and was fucking scary to no end.

Well needless to say that put yet another damper on things. Then, a business consultant I needed ended up being way more then I could afford and now I don't know if she's going to be willing to help me at all. And, a few other small odds and ends of disappointments and stuff have just fuckin derailed my sense of ... well *something* ...lately. Can't put my finger on it.
All I know is that I need to be in control of how I let people treat me and make me feel, and I have let that slip lately.

It's almost like...I've lost my Mojo!

Any suggestions? What could I do to get it back, besides drink? Drinking always helps, but only while I'm drinking. Can't do that during the day... hmmm.


::Last Five Notions::
Happy but Bored - Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2011
Stepdaughter1 - Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2011
frack - Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010
t-day2b - Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010
fraking fraked up - Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010

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