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My Mood at the Moment: The current mood of gracegoddess77@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 - 12:24 p.m.

I know I know... I haven't written anything in forever. That isn't good. The whole reason for this diary is to get things OUT.

Well I suppose I'm moving out within a week. T is moving all of his stuff out so I guess unless I want to sit and eat on the floor I'd better find another place. The house-sitting job is still on. But I'm not exactly sure when I will be moving there. I think my friend Steph will let me stay with her until I move there.

I quit my job on April 4th. I am so glad. It was such a bad situation to be in and I'm happier now, just having some time for myself. I've been working out and dieting and going to the tanning bed. I've lost 8 lbs!! Now if I can continue that trend I'll be good. I sure would like to see myself lose a good 40 lbs before school starts in September. Oh yeah! I got accepted. I still don't know anything about financial aid but I should by tomorrow. :D

I am so sad to see things end between T and I. He has been my life for so many months... and really since I left S. I guess I should just be thankful for what we had and move on. It isn't good to pine away for anything in your life. If someone doesn't want to be there why try to force yourself? It is no good. I have self-esteem to preserve. Besides, there are plenty of people out there willing to love me for who I am.

Sometimes you just have to see the beauty of just "letting go". You must always know how long to stay and when to go. That goes for love, jobs, homes, and sometimes friends and family. If anyone knows how to sing that song it is me.

::Last Five Notions::
Happy but Bored - Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2011
Stepdaughter1 - Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2011
frack - Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010
t-day2b - Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010
fraking fraked up - Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010

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